Upload a new Family Program

  1. Log-in to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. On the left Admin panel, navigate to Family ProgramsAdd New.
  3. Add a Title for the Family Program. 
  4. Write the description of the Family Program in the post field. 
  5. Assign an Event Datetime, and End DateTime.
  6. Insert an RSVP link, which would usually be mailto:programs@skyscraper.org. If it is an Eventbrite, use the link to the Eventbrite registration page.
  7. Set a Featured Image on the right panel. The recommended dimensions are 600 x 900px (aspect ratio of 2:3). If it is a book talk, upload the highest resolution book cover image (WordPress will take care of re-sizing).
    To improve the SEO of the site, follow these guidelines:
    1. The image filename should reflect the program or book title and the speakers, e.g. (Form-Follows-Finance_Carol-Willis.jpg).
    2. Provide an alternative text and an image description. 
  8. Publish.

Note: only upcoming family programs will be organized by date on the Family Programs archive.