- Log-in to the WordPress Dashboard.
- On the left Admin panel, navigate to Book Talks & Lectures → Add New
- Add a title for the Program. If you wish to introduce a line break within the title, insert the vertical bar character “|” immediately before the first word of the new line.
- Use Standard Editor to write the program description and author’s bio in the post field. Each speaker should be given a heading H2 and linked to the speaker URL. If the bio mentions related programs previously held at the Skyscraper Museum, link the program’s name to its URL. (e.g. Carol Willis is the author of Building the Empire State.)
- If it is a book talk, write the Book Title and Book Publisher in their respective fields.
- Select the Event Date and Event Time. (Note: If the date is in the future, it will automatically display on the Upcoming Programs page. If it is in the past, it will display on the Video Archive ONLY if a YouTube URL is provided.)
- If the program should stick to the top of the Upcoming Programs sidebar in the front page, check the program as Sticky.
- Search for the Speaker and select it. If the speaker or speakers are not registered, register them. In order to create a speaker, navigate to Speakers → Add New. Add the name of the speaker as a title. Write the author’s bio in the post field. Add the first and last name in the corresponding fields. Publish – the author’s name will now be available for selection in the program’s author dropdown.
- If it is part of a lecture series, Search for the Related Exhibition.
- If the event is being recorded and made available on YouTube, add the YouTube URL to the Video URL field.
Single video URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO-ID.
Playlist URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLAYLIST-ID - If no URL is provided, the program is automatically excluded from the Video Archive but will be archived in the Past Programs Archive.
- Select the Program Type from the checkbox on the right.
- Insert an RSVP link, which would usually be mailto:programs@skyscraper.org. If it is an Eventbrite, use the link to the Eventbrite registration page.
- Set a Featured Image on the right panel. The recommended dimensions are 600 x 900px (aspect ratio of 2:3). If it is a book talk, upload the highest resolution book cover image (WordPress will take care of re-sizing).
To improve the SEO of the site, follow these guidelines:
1. The image filename should reflect the program or book title and the speakers, e.g. (Form-Follows-Finance_Carol-Willis.jpg).
2. Provide an alternative text and an image description. - Add an Excerpt. This text will show on the /programs/ page. If no text is provided, it will auto-populate with the content of the post.
- If a specific text is needed to display in the Upcoming section of the front page, add the required HTML snippet on the Notice field.
- Publish.
Publish a program with Beaver Builder
To completely customize the layout of a program, navigate to the WordPress Editor of a program and do the following:
- Enable No Featured Image on the Programs metabox.
- Check the option Disable intro section for this page to hide the post title.
- Launch Beaver Builder to add custom content and layouts.
- Publish.
Notice: All program attributes are still controlled on the WordPress Editor even if the page is designed using Beaver Builder. Use WordPress Editor custom fields to generate the modular content (e.g. program date-time, video embed). Do not use Beaver Builder to create this content.
When you are in the standard editor mode and you see this message: Beaver Builder is currently active for this program. Please do not click on the Use the Standard Editor button. If you do, you are effectively turning Beaver Builder off on that page. If you see this message, it means you are already in the standard editor and you can edit all the fields on the right side bar, you just cannot edit the text body of the post because that has been set up in Beaver Builder, not the standard editor.
Publish Lecture Series programs
Often a page, instead of a program (custom post type), will be created to describe the lecture series, display the full schedule, and introduce the speakers. A single button for the lecture series may be needed to appear in the front page ‘Upcoming’ sidebar. To accomplish this, one must publish a “dummy individual program” that represents the lecture series so it appears in the sidebar. Then a redirect will get the user to the page.
- Log-in to the WordPress Dashboard.
- On the left Admin panel, navigate to Book Talks & Lectures → Add New
- Add a Featured Image.
- Add any custom text in the Notice field that must appear on the Upcoming section of the front page, including links. For example:
<a href=”/relative-path-to-page/”>See full schedule > </a> - Leave the remaining fields empty (date, speakers, location)
- Publish the dummy individual program.
- Create a redirect from the dummy individual program to the dedicated page of the lecture series. (Instructions)
Individual programs that are part of a lecture series need to be categorized so they are grouped and are available as a dropdown filter option in the Past Programs and Video Archive page. To create a new Category for a lecture series:
- Log-in to the WordPress Dashboard.
- On the left Admin panel, navigate to Book Talks & Lectures → Program Type
- Add a New Category for the Lecture Series by assigning a Name and Parent Category. (e.g. “World View: Designing Global Supertalls”)
- Add a Description.
- Add a Featured Image to display any custom banner in the category page and filtered states of Past Programs and Video Archive.
- Add New Category.

To group individual programs within a Lecture Series:
- Log-in to the WordPress Dashboard.
- On the left Admin panel, Quick Edit the individual program within the list of all programs in Book Talks & Lectures.
- Check Lecture Series (itself) and the individual lecture series name (e.g. “World View: Designing Global Supertalls”) in the Program Type box.
- Update.